ecomms specialist on the wirral with Somefin Fishy

eCommerce Specialist Wirral

It’s been a fantastic journey working with Andy and the staff at Somefin Fishy in Greasby to get their eCommerce website live. Somefin Fishy has been operating from their bricks and mortar HQ for over 10 years, supplying aquatics gear and advice to the local area. But, owner Andy’s ambitions are nearly as big as his expert knowledge of all things fish related.

The brief was to get an e-comms presence up, make it SEO friendly and work on mobiles as well as desktop computers. Something Fishy’s strategic digital plans are impressive, with the website already growing as the social media presence booms.

Experience Photography started to work with Somefin Fishy after Andy had made a few attempts at getting an e-comms site up and running. This is normal for small businesses to need that little extra helping hand when moving from conventional shop to e-commerce; but Experience Photography was there all the way to provide support, and training and push the site over the line.

Andy’s quote says it all:

“Ben has been fantastic for us, as a novice trying to follow the times and build a website for our store he’s helped me answer many a question whether they’re complicated or damn right stupid.

Ben has been professional through and through and thanks to Ben’s expertise our website is now live and generating sales. Somefin Fishy Ltd would definitely recommend his help for anyone who is in need of not only the advice given for a website but the photography that is on offer also”

You can visit Somefin Fishy’s website now:

E-Comms Help!

If like Somefin Fishy you want to get your goods and services online but are either not sure where to start, or have started and need help – get in touch with Experience Photography now on the form below. E-comms websites are probably cheaper than you think. Make money while you sleep!