Monthly Archives: October 2021

Adams + Russell coffee roasters, Birkenhead

Here's a shot of some excellent coffee I picked up at Adams + Russell Coffee roasters, Birkenhead. Product shots are so important for your digital estate. Keeping the tone right and picking the background is just as important as anything else. I took this shot in the garden in the evening when the sun

By |2022-02-16T14:30:50+00:00October 8th, 2021|Home Page, Product Photography, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Experience Photography

Experience Photography based in the North West of the UK  - well just outside Liverpool on the Wirral Peninsula. We're here to help - but how can we help you? First off, have a look on the web, look at all the popular apps - the one thing in common is the visual narrative

Liverpool Model Photographer

While it may no longer be a Unesco certified site, the Liverpool Waterfront is still an impressive expanse and great for photography. This shot with Angel was taken early evening as we were approaching Golden Hour; the natural light is unique, though it's worth trying to get pictures when it's a little cloudy.

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