Photography Tips

Devils Bridge Waterfall

Devils Bridge Falls Long Exposure. There's something very satisfying about getting a long exposure shot of a waterfall. Capturing the essence of the water flow isn't that hard, but the difference it makes to the result is infinite. To get a correctly exposed photograph, you need to control three elements: Shutter speed (how

Top 5 Warwick Castle Photography Tips

Top 5 Warwick Castle Photography Tips Going to interesting places is always fun, especially if you're a photographer and have all your kit. If you want to get the best pictures, you need to do some prep, even if you're using something like a smartphone. Warwick Castle is a pretty big deal in

By |2022-04-18T15:39:36+00:00April 17th, 2022|Castle, Home Page, Photography, Photography Tips, Warick|0 Comments

Top 5 Tips to Taking Photos at Blue Planet Aquarium

The Blue Planet Aquarium employs all sorts of people, from locals to those from Townsville, Australia, and it's a treasure trove photo experience, either on your own or with the kids. You don't need expensive cameras and tripods to get some good shots. Here I share a few tips on how to come away

Making Your Social Shots Pop

Are people not engaging with your posts? Does everybody else seem to have better social media shots than you? Getting great shots for milestone social events like big birthdays (21st, 30th, 40th etc.) and engagements is a bit of an art, but it's within reach of just about everyone with a smartphone or DSLR.

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